November-December 2016 (Vol. 12, No. 5)
Dear Reader,
I wish to remind you that there’s a wonderful new way to save on Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning, the first transformational DNA activation of the “revolutionary healing science” (Nexus) of the Regenetics Method.
You and your loved ones can join us for this powerful remote healing session the first Sunday of every month during our Worldwide Potentiation Ceremony. Details and registration are available here.
In other news ... I invite you to celebrate the coming New Year with my new calendar, SOUTHWESTERN INK.
Through December 31, 2016, you can also save up to $25 on fine art prints and merchandise featuring my colorful, expressionistic ink paintings.
On a more humorous note, celebrate each day with an eye-opening laugh by receiving my Devilishly Clever Word of the Day free in your inbox.
Finally, the Phoenix Center for Regenetics is pleased to offer a $25-discount holiday special on all our DNA activations and special packages for healing and transforming the body, mind, and spirit.
Thanks so much for reading. Many blessings to you and yours for a joyous holiday season!
Sol Luckman
1. “Why Social Isolation Leads to Inflammation” by Kelly Brogan, MD
2. “From Slave to Shaman” by Julian Rose
3. “Natural Health Is a Silver Bullet to Medical Vampires” by Jon Rappoport
4. “Resistance is Fertile: The Art of Having No Masters” by Gary “Z” McGee
5. “Establishment Media Declares War on Their Competition as ‘Fake News’” by Activist Post
Featured Videos ... Defining a New Cosmology & The Creator Defined
1. Why Social Isolation Leads to Inflammation
Kelly Brogan, MD, GreenMedInfo
We are wired for community. If we disconnect, our bodies will call us back to the sense of human connection that we are wired for using the unexpected language of inflammation.
I love dancing, so I wasn’t too weirded out when we were asked, in one of my first kundalini classes to dance like no one was watching to some loud bhangra music. What really tweaked me (and likely most newbies in the class) was when the teacher turned the music down and asked us to take a stranger’s hands, face them, and stand close. She asked us to close our eyes and just breathe with this person. Then we were to open them and look into their eyes. Simply look, eyes open, into theirs. After about 30 seconds of panicked awkwardness, something opened and tears began to flow. They flowed from a chamber of the heart that is closed when we live as automatons separated from ourselves and each other. It takes less than two minutes to be reminded that this connection is missing.
The Chronic Hurt: The Community Wound
The “community wound” is a deep one for me. I remember a therapist once telling me, “You know what your problem is … you don’t let anyone in your life feel needed by you.” I was convicted by this because it was true. Fiercely independent, I made my mission self-sufficiency from an early age. Asking for advice, guidance, support, or counsel was a form of weakness, for “others” to indulge, and for me to remain squarely on the dispensing end of. I didn’t know that I was protecting a need so deep and so intense that to even expose it to the light of day would necessitate I come into contact with a deep wellspring of unmet needs and associated grief. Francis Weller, an expert on the matter, pierced my knowing heart when he wrote, “… when these things are finally granted to us, a wave of recognition rises that we have lived without this love, this acknowledgment, and the support of this village all of our lives.”
These days, I relish the opportunity to bring people together. Introducing friends, creating bigger webs, organizing alliances, and marinating in the womb-like energy of kundalini festivals.
As someone who has even identified as a loner, it shocks me that I can be in a room full of like-minded people and find myself on the verge of tears, unrelated to anything specific, for hours on end. Just simply being in that energy.
“… when an individual’s particular kind of soulfulness, which is both an instinctual and a spiritual identity, is surrounded by psychic acknowledgement and acceptance, that person feels life and power as never before.” —Clarissa Pinkola Estes
It’s no coincidence that A Mind of Your Own reached NY Times Bestseller status because of grassroots energy. Because of a fabric of those who love the truth. This for-the-people-by-the-people success was a part of my healing as much as an opportunity for others to reclaim their health journey.
The Reminder That’s Missing: Addiction & HopelessnessWe are social animals, and our health and wellness depend on it. We used to wake up to dozens of eyes. Now in our modular homes and digitized worlds, we no longer feel that our tribe is holding us. In fact, missing, often, is the sense that anything is missing. But it is, and our bodyminds know it. According to Jane Liedloff, author of the The Continuum Concept, our unmet primal needs may manifest as addiction-like behaviors as we seek to medicate deficiencies like that of the tribe.
In the 70s, Bruce Alexander conducted the famous Rat Park experiments (thanks to Will Hall for sharing this vital science with me!) where he rips the foundation out from under the drug war, the chemical addiction model, and the notion of the addict as mentally and physically disordered. His elegant experiments play on the presumption that rats in an isolated cage with one water and one cocaine dispenser go onto addict and eventually kill themselves. This seemingly demonstrates that chemical nature of the addictive process.
He then went on to conduct subsequent experiments in a “rat park” where the rats had a social network, space, and an enriching environment, in which they no longer chose to consume the cocaine and would even detox themselves voluntarily if they entered the space previously addicted. Watch a short sketch of the data here!
What this tells us is that, even in animals, community is the prevention and the treatment for self-abuse. Many argue this is why and how 12 Step programs enjoy the persistent success that they do. They offer community.
Inflammation & How It Calls Us Back
If addiction and associated depression are a sign of what we are missing on a social level, is this all in the mind? Does the body participate in a meaningful way? Do they both work as one?
An important review on the subject by Eisenberger et al says yes: our behavior impacts our immune system and our immune system guides our behavior and inflammation is the common link. Inflammation has many sources, and evidence suggests that perceived stress, intestinal imbalance, medication exposures, and nutrient deficiencies can all contribute to an uptick in inflammatory messengers. In today’s stimulatory soup, inflammation traffics in the body as a result of everything from infection to that email you’re still obsessing about (non-infection-related inflammation is called “sterile” inflammation) and it has become a chronic phenomenon. In this sense, depression may be the final common pathway for the experience of mismatch with lifestyle—body, mind, and spirit.
What If We Need Each Other to Recover?
Are you in the market for a guru? So many of us are looking for that one person who will tell us just what to do and how to do it. Who will hold out that hand with the magic pill. My friend James Maskell invoked Thich Nhat Hanh’s genius when he reminded us that community is the guru of the future. By this, he means that the unique alchemy of our togetherness will ultimately serve to empower, heal, and guide us. The guru is not the expert, and it may not even simply be “within.” The guru is the web, the union, the sum greater than the parts. And it may be the case that we cannot heal fully without this sense of connectedness.
It is through this lens that we need to explore the latest theories on depression. Much of the new literature on depression (since we left the serotonin theory behind) has focused on “sickness syndrome” as a model of depression, or the idea that the depressed individual is inflamed and part of the behaviors that come with that are social withdrawal in order to limit contagion and recover. But what if we need each other to recover? Eisenberger et al review literature that suggests that inflammation in humans actually drives pro-social behavior in many circumstances, in addition to a heightened sensitivity to positive social cues to help identify “allies.” They write:
To the extent that sensitivity to certain types of social rewards is preserved in inflammatory-related depression, this hypothesis suggests a spared island of motivational significance for these individuals.
In other words, you can be flat out on the couch, and even suicidal, but there is a part of your behavioral sensing mechanism that is still asking for and receptive to human connection.
They also discuss the literature that suggests that social isolation and rejection lead to inflammation. In this way, an awareness of these feelings of social disconnection may actually be the missing link to depression (not everyone with inflammation gets depressed), ultimately driving a type of enhanced responsiveness to “friendly connection” to bring the depressed person back to a place of connectedness. Perhaps this is why and how a trusting therapeutic relationship with a healer carries significant weight in resolving chronic disease.
They conclude with compelling nuance:
Social behavior influences the immune system—Social isolation leads to inflammation (with some groups 2.5 times more likely to have elevated CRP levels!) and specific effects on the immune system. I explore this in my peer-reviewed, indexed paper on the role of mental health in vaccine response. Additionally, a recent paper on “dyadic coping” demonstrated that couples who have high self-reported communication have less reactive immune systems to interpersonal stress.
The immune system influences social behavior—The immune system directs social behavior leading to specific interpersonal sensitivities, motives, and drives. Baseline inflammation renders people (especially women) more sensitive to further inflammatory responses to social stress. So, once sensitized, chronic inflammation leads to a louder call to respond to positive social cues.
The Magic Ingredient: The Tribe
This paper is powerful evidence for the role of perceived social safety and connectedness in healing inflammation. While I advocate for diet as the portal to wellness, I also acknowledge that there are some who may archetypally need to lead with community. In fact, in our online course, Vital Mind Reset, participants claim that community may be the most critical element of the healing journeys they report over the 44 days. The online group is an incredibly powerful healing space, and I am inspired, daily, by the exchanges.
Most surprising in VMR to date posting assignment. It doesn’t have to do with diet, or meditation, or yoga, combined or separately. Instead, it is the individuals I’ve “met” and the community we’ve become. All good—which when I think about it, isn’t surprising at all.
Copyright © [10/17/16] GreenMedInfo LLC. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of GreenMedInfo LLC. Want to learn more from GreenMedInfo? Sign up for the newsletter at
Dr. Kelly Brogan is boarded in Psychiatry/Psychosomatic Medicine/Reproductive Psychiatry and Integrative Holistic Medicine and practices Functional Medicine, a root-cause approach to illness as a manifestation of multiple-interrelated systems. After studying Cognitive Neuroscience at MIT and receiving her MD from Cornell University, she completed her residency and fellowship at Bellevue/NYU. She is one of the nation’s only physicians with perinatal psychiatric training who takes a holistic evidence-based approach in the care of patients with a focus on environmental medicine and nutrition. She is also a mom of two and an active supporter of women’s birth experience. She is the Medical Director for Fearless Parent and an advisory board member for Visit her website.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.Featured Video ... Defining a New Cosmology
2. From Slave to Shaman
Julian Rose
How many times have you felt like a hapless onlooker in a world seemingly gone insane?
How many times have you wondered how things ever managed to get into the unprecedented mess they are in today?
How many times have you longed to escape this crazy turmoil?
I’m confident to predict that the answer is “many.”
But reflect on this: there must be thousands, if not millions and quite possibly billions, who feel exactly the same way. Let us assume the possibility that the majority of those living on this planet have had such thoughts from time to time. What does this tell us?
It tells us that we see our lives and what goes on “out there” as two separate realities. It suggests that we feel largely removed and alienated from the goings-on of the planet, regardless of the fact that we live off its (unequally) shared resources.
Now the trouble with all this is that, in truth, we are actually a part of the problem we see as separate from ourselves. We are part of the reason there is such a mess “out there” in the first place.We are actually contributors to the state of insanity which prevails around us; unless of course, we realize this and are working to do something about it.
The underlying cause of this schism between how we see reality and how we see ourselves, is hundreds and possibly thousands of years of indoctrination; of deliberate programming. We have been educated to believe that we are not responsible for that which happens beyond the four walls of our home, the garden fence and the office.
We’ve been told that if we respect the laws and protocols enshrined in our society, and behave like proper, respectable citizens, at the end of it all we will be able to take comfort in from the fact that we “did the right thing.”
If we also adopt some moral “truths” as proclaimed by the religious institutions of the prevailing status quo—then that gets another tick. And if we also seek to fulfill the requirements of the nine to five working week, diligently and unquestioningly, that will further enhance the view that we are sensible, responsible citizens. Well adapted to the road of safety and conformity.
So effective has this process of indoctrination been for so many, for so long, that the idea of anything seriously interrupting the rhythm of the fixed routines that make up the standard working-eating-sleeping week, is regarded in horror. Better to keep your head down, is the standard advice, and try to bypass whatever those who manage the “great out there” are getting up to; however extreme the mess being made of our planetary home and however insane the destruction being perpetrated in the rush for wealth, power and exclusivity.
No, we are told, it’s only fools who would risk their reputations and moral rectitude by seeking to address or even confront, the territories presided over by those left to manage that which takes place beyond the garden gate, the home and the office.
Now we all know how the seeming safety provided by largely thoughtless repetition can lock us into resistance to change. There is something about “routine,” however mundane and unimaginative, which acts as a kind of drug, clouding the urge to follow one’s inner voice of greater aspiration and purpose. That which would finally free one from so unquestioningly playing out the role of slave to the system.
Many of those who retreat from the challenge of freedom, turn instead to religion, as a kind of escape route for a repressed and yearning soul. On offer here appears to be a certain level of surety concerning how to negotiate a way through life’s pitfalls. Religion, after all, likes to provide a rather simple formula for surviving within the crumbling foundations of a stagnant status quo.
The Christian church, for example, is given to proclaiming a happy ending for all who say their prayers and remain humble in the face of adversity. It teaches one to obey the authority of God and the State and to offer charity to those in need.
Its formula is carefully devised to avoid any confrontation with “the powers that be”; the status quo and controlling authority of the day. Although it may decry war, it will not advise its flock to campaign against the arms trade. Although it may teach respect for nature, it will not stand-up to be counted when it becomes known that genetically modified organisms and toxic chemicals are destroying the natural environment.
It has in common with many of today’s so-called spiritual paths the desire to “protect” rather than to “protest.” It teaches that, provided we do everything according to its rule book, we will go to heaven when we die; and here everything will be done to assure a very pleasant stay for all good followers.
In proclaiming “heaven” to be the happy ending place for all “believers,” the church avoids taking any responsibility for the condition of the planet it leaves behind. The fact that one might come round again and be confronted by that which one failed to take responsibility for in the previous life time, is studiously avoided.
So “no reincarnation” means no need to come face to face with the consequences of one’s actions. Or to revisit the negative actions of one’s past. No “karma”—no responsibility. If one believes one’s not coming back, there is a low incentive to concern oneself with cleaning up the mess one has left behind. That includes turning the other way while others destroy the planetary resource base.
Church teaching has thus found, and proclaimed, a great escape route—and millions seem happy to take it.
This is a significant part of the formula whereby society is kept in constant check and citizens are discouraged from any form of resistance or rebellion; even when the teachers, law makers, priests and politicians who manage the show, have shown themselves to be corrupt, irresponsible and quite often beneath contempt.
What we have here is a quite masterful control system. A centralized authoritarian regime which uses “fear” as its hidden weapon of mass coercion: fear of being different; fear of being disenfranchised; fear of not making it to heaven; fear of facing the unknown, and ultimately a fear of truth.
With the help of the church, religion, mainstream education and misguided spiritually inclined institutions and sects, the master minders of the control system discourage taking responsibility for anything other than one’s own petty patterns of behavior. They want the power to reside with them, to do with it what they will.
However, real life is a far more severe teacher than anything one will find in and amongst the mores of our man made societies. And life lets it be known that the way man-made society is constructed, is phony. There is an entire dimension missing.
The righty side of the brain, which would pick this up, has been put to sleep, along with the ability to think laterally and “outside the box.” It means that most fail to move beyond the control system’s repetitive and deceptive formula for three-dimensional living. In this way, millions who are in a position to do so, fail to take any responsibility for the health and wellbeing of the wider world they live in. Instead they fritter away their lives in a cul-de-sac of ever decreasing circles.
Taking responsibility for our lives involves breaking out of this robotic existence and taking responsibility for Life as a whole; for the evolution of our societies into something vastly more meaningful, creative and joyous than the moribund system we have today.
We do not live on a two-dimensional flat Earth. That theory was dispelled around six hundred years ago, in spite of stiff resistance from the church. We live on a spherical planet and in a spherical universe—in which everything that goes out, comes back, eventually.
So it is with our actions. According to the laws of physics, every action provokes an equal and opposite reaction, which means we get to pay the price for ours; no escape. That’s the brutal truth. The straight line to heaven—and that’s an end to it—is a con trick, perpetuated by doctrinaire and dogmatic teachings whose origins lie with Illuminati plans for a resistance-free global take-over.
The last thing which the ruling cabal wants is people taking responsibility for their lives, because that would mean an end to control system’s dominance and people’s acceptance of the slavery it demands.
Yet the reinstatement of a way of living in which aware, responsible citizens of planet Earth take control of their destinies and of the destiny of the planet itself, is exactly where we are being instructed to go. Not by Big Brother, but by Divine empowerment and the indomitable powers of truth.
Never allow the fake façade of superimposed uniformity fool you into sleep walking your way down the road to Armageddon. Find that warrior hiding in your subconscious—and bring him/her out into the open. Get behind the benevolent spirits and ditch the malevolent intruders. Shift yourself from slave to shaman. Do it today!
This article was originally created and published by Julian Rose. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.
Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, international activist and author. Contact Julian at to find out more. He is President of The International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside and author of two books with some very powerful perspectives: Changing Course for Life and In Defence of Life.
3. Natural Health Is a Silver Bullet to Medical Vampires
Jon Rappoport
It turns out that unvaccinated children aren’t little time bombs walking around ready to blow and spread devastating disease in their wake.
That’s a myth. It’s told by the medical cartel, for their own obvious reasons.
And it turns out that children raised in a healthy way are strong, and have strong immune systems.
This was once viscerally known and understood and accepted as a truism.
Those who insist on 50 or 60 shots of germs and toxic chemicals for every child, like it or not, are participating in an ongoing criminal enterprise.
Their vision is unnatural and perverse.
It turns out that stimulating the production of antibodies—which is the purpose of vaccines—is not the be-all and end-all of existence. It isn’t the road to health. It isn’t an automatic lease on life.Every aspect of a child’s life contributes to, or detracts from, his immune-system health and strength. This is traditional knowledge. This basic tree of knowledge has been shaken and hacked at by decades of remorseless propaganda from official medical/government/corporate mob bosses.
The vaccine establishment has become a protection racket. Take your shots or pay the social and political consequences.
Natural health is a reality. It isn’t a stunt.
When smallpox ravaged England, it wasn’t the lone work of a virus. It was sewage in the city streets, horrendous overcrowding, lack of basic nutrition, grinding poverty. It was also the smallpox vaccine:
“Smallpox, like typhus, has been dying out (in England) since 1780. Vaccination in this country has largely fallen into disuse since people began to realize how its value was discredited by the great smallpox epidemic of 1871-2 (which occurred after extensive vaccination).” (W. Scott Webb, A Century of Vaccination, Swan Sonnenschein, 1898.)
And then there is this: “The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.” Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis, Bantam Books, 1977
Improve environmental conditions and the standard of living, and you pave the way for natural health. It’s not a mystery. It never was.
The basic purpose of promoting these dud “epidemics” that come down the pipeline every few years is: to convince the population that they can’t live in a state of natural health; there is no such thing as natural health; everyone must live their lives under the constant supervision of doctors.
This is becoming the central myth of our times.
It is becoming the primary form of surrender.
Natural health is a silver bullet to medical vampires.
How many studies can you find that investigate the factors of health in children who do quite well without overriding medical attention? How many studies in peer reviewed journals examine large groups of healthy unvaccinated children? None.
Health is basically a non-medical condition.
The primary medical psyop is the effort to erase that understanding.
Every healthy unvaccinated child is a refutation of the medical cartel.
If your business is sickness, and you’re unscrupulous, it stands to reason you’ll try to find more and more sickness, even, and especially, where it doesn’t exist.
You’ll never study health, because it would put you out of business.
Copyright © Jon Rappoport. All Rights Reserved.
The author of three explosive collections, The Matrix Revealed, Exit from the Matrix and Power Outside the Matrix, Jon Rappoport was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for thirty years, writing articles on politics, medicine and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, SPIN Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit from the Matrix, click here.
4. Resistance is Fertile: The Art of Having No Masters
Gary “Z” McGee, Waking Times
“You don’t become completely free by just avoiding being a slave; you also need to avoid becoming a master.” —Naseem Nicholas Taleb
In the midst of a hyper-violent culture blinded by the statist agenda of control, militarized cops brainwashed by the statist notion of law and order, and a bloated military with the monopoly on power through tyranny, it’s difficult for the would-be-resister to live with any confidence that their freedom will not be compromised by the violent thugs in power or by the indoctrinated statists that represent the majority.
Difficult time to be free. Made even more difficult because of the level of psychosocial statist programming causing the majority to believe that everything is okay as long as they keep voting. Caught up in their hyper-realities, going through the motions of being an abstraction of an abstraction, the ignorant statists are convinced that everything is just fine, that the authority of the state is necessary, that the militarization of the police will help keep them protected, that an obese, money-sucking, terrorist-generating military will somehow make them more secure. What is this, 1984? What’s next? War is peace? Freedom is slavery? Ignorance is strength? Sadly, in some ways, we’re already there.
The problem with statism is that everything seems okay inside the bubble, but the bubble is always about to burst. Statism is slavery by consent. It hoodwinks people into enjoying their servitude. It (brain)washes out logic and reasoning through nationalism and patriotism, thus scrambling the ignorant statist’s brain into exploitable soup. Bombarded by state-engineered symbols that the statist marries their fragile ego to, statism is by far the most dangerous religion. Made all the more dangerous because people are born and bred into being statists and cannot even imagine thinking outside its box.
But resistance is not futile. It only seems that way because we are surrounded by the Goliath that is the state. No, on a long enough timeline, resistance is fruitful. Resistance always has, and always will, lead to human flourishing. It might not always be pretty, but resistance to any and all standing orders (manmade laws), is the key to a healthy, sustainable, and progressive evolution for our species.
The art of having no masters is perfecting the science of resistance. But resistance isn’t fairytale romantic. It’s not pretend confliction. It takes effort. It takes perseverance. It takes counterintuitive ruthless compassion, usually in the face of those you care about. Definitely not for the faint of heart. But, then again, having a faint heart is for statists who imagine they need a master, not for anarchists who know they need only master themselves. Yes, resistance is fertile but, more than anything, it’s courageous, uncomfortable, and dangerous.
Let’s break it down …Resistance Is Courageous
“I’d rather attempt to do something great and fail than to attempt to do nothing and succeed.” —Robert H. Schuller
The art of having no masters cannot be rationalized until one has the audacity to question things as they are. As Chomsky famously stated, “The general population doesn’t even know what’s happening, and it doesn’t even know that it doesn’t know.” Indeed. Until the individual stands up and dares to jut his/her head above the sea of status quo conformity, they will continue to be ruled. But being ruled, or not, is always a state of mind. Until the individual has the audacity to change their state of mind to self-rule despite those who seek to rule them, their “soft slavery” will continue.
Statism is the epitome of soft slavery. Statists are like house slaves. There just happen to be a lot more of them, and the “house” is the state. As long as the house slave (statist) doesn’t disobey the house master (the state), they live relatively comfortable and secure lives. All their needs are met. Except, of course, the need for freedom and self-ownership.
Thus, it takes a particular flavor of courage to rise above the comfort and security in order to actualize self-mastery. The statist who merely goes along with the state’s agenda, attempts nothing great, and succeeds. The anarchist who rises above the washed-out conformity of it all, attempts something great and, though he may fail, he at least gains self-authority and takes his first steps toward self-mastery and perfecting the art of having no masters.
Resistance Is Uncomfortable
“To live by the dice or accept death with confidence requires a consummate self-possession, which is the essence of character. No one becomes a hero staying at home, going to the office, or attending church.” —Michael Dirda
The art of having no masters is not a pleasant art. It is in all ways disruptive. It is completely unsettling. Much cognitive dissonance must be successfully navigated. And there are always setbacks. Because the art of having no masters means having the courage to (at least attempt to) master the individual self, despite those who seek to rule the individual’s self, it is never comfortable. Though one can glean much comfort out of owning oneself, it’s never easy. Especially in a world that thinks everything should be owned.
One is constantly outnumbered. Whether it’s the giant goliath of the state itself or the tiny goliath of the inured statist, it can be painfully and awkwardly uncomfortable. But resisting those who would rule you was never meant to be comfortable. As Brene’ Brown stated, “You can have courage or you can have comfort, but you can’t have both.”
Indeed. Those seeking to perfect the art of having no masters must embrace the discomfort that comes with rocking the boat. It’s a double-edged sword, for sure. On the one side is sweet freedom, but on the other side is taking the painful responsibility for that freedom. But the genuinely autonomous, the authentic seekers of freedom, the true anarchists, will always choose to stab themselves with that double-edged sword, no matter how uncomfortable or painful it might be. Thereby taking the next step toward self-mastery and further perfecting the art of having no masters.
Resistance Is Dangerous
“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, and carpenters; the very minds of the people we are trying to save. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent upon the system, they will fight to protect it.” —Morpheus, The Matrix
If resistance is dangerous, then the art of having no masters is doubly dangerous. Especially in a world where the majority of the people are dead-set on having masters. In a world where the majority are convinced they need a queen, or a king, or a president, it makes it problematic for those who are seeking to take responsibility for their own power and who are teaching self-leadership. It’s dangerous because people are afraid of what they don’t understand. And the majority of people simply cannot understand a world without rulers and masters. Talk about not being able to think outside the box, let alone the Matrix.
Everyone wants to give their power to an authority, never stopping to think that authority should be themselves. Everyone wants to be Neo, but nobody wants to take responsibility for their own power. Sure, give credit where credit is due (as Neo did with Morpheus), for true leadership is an honorable thing indeed, but not to the extent that your freedom is discredited and your power is taken away. Self-empowerment is the key to unlocking the door of having no masters. And it leads to authentic leadership.
With all these people giving up their power, in Stockholm-syndrome-esque proportions, it makes it difficult for the would-be self-master to work on his/her self-mastery. But work on it they should. We need more leaders who are able to resist. We need more courageous individuals who are not afraid of getting uncomfortable or facing the danger of being right when the majority of people are wrong. We need more self-empowered individuals seeking to empower others, despite a world that’s attempting to take that power away. We need more trailblazers who are not afraid to spearhead self-authority straight through the heart of state-authority. We need leaders who have the audacity to teach self-leadership and self-rule through self-empowerment, despite the state which only seeks to rule by the illusion of authority through the overreach of violent power.
In short: we need more people who care about life to resist those who do not, because life is freedom and freedom is life. That is the heart and soul of the art of having no masters. As Derrick Jensen said, “We are the governors as well as the governed. This means that all of us who care about life need to force accountability onto those who do not.”
This article (Resistance is Fertile: The Art of Having No Masters) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is printed here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Gary “Z” McGee and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this statement of copyright.
Gary “Z” McGee, a former Navy Intelligence Specialist turned philosopher, is the author of Birthday Suit of God and The Looking Glass Man. His works are inspired by the great philosophers of the ages and his wide awake view of the modern world.Featured Video ... The Creator Defined
5. Establishment Media Declares War on Their Competition as "Fake News"
Activist Post
The establishment media is dying. This is not a biased view coming from “alternative media,” it is a fact borne out by metrics and opinion polls from within the establishment itself. It was true before the recent election, and is guaranteed to accelerate after their shameless defense of non-reality which refused to accept any discontent among the American population with standard politics.
Now, with egg on their face after the botched election coverage, and a wobbling uncertainty about how they can maintain multiple threads of a narrative so fundamentally disproven, they appear to be resorting to their nuclear option: a full shut down of dissent.
Voices within independent media have been chronicling the signposts toward full-on censorship as sites have encountered everything from excessive copyright infringement accusations, to de-monetization, to the open admission by advertising giants that certain images would not be tolerated.
However, until now these efforts have appeared random, haphazard, and rife with retractions and restorations of targeted sites and content. A massive backlash of reader outrage toward these restrictive measures has confirmed that most consumers don’t like the idea of being given boundaries to their intellectual freedom.That said, there has been a notable increase of hoax websites beginning to populate the information stream. We can attest that this has been an incredible annoyance as we are bombarded daily with new outrageous claims and rabbit holes that readers expect us to sift through.
Most times, a cursory glance at the “About” page or any disclaimers quickly shows where this information is coming from. Other times, a bit of common sense and discernment about why a site that has just appeared on the scene (check Alexa for this info) would have “EXCLUSIVE” “BREAKING” content under the banner of an apparent local news channel or a name that is the twisted version of a legitimate news outlet.
But even with those caveats, we’ve all been taken in at one time or another and have had to retract or update articles as necessary, or apologize to our e-mail list for sending out a given link. This does jam up the works, but it is the tax we all must pay if we believe in the free-market of ideas and information. We’re not perfect, but at least we have never been deliberately misleading like CNN and others often have been.
The government recently legalized using propaganda against US citizens. They wielded all of their establishment media force to sell their lies. And now they’re frustrated that people still prefer the truth as they see it naturally.
As THE VERGE highlighted in a recent article, “Two-thirds of the world’s internet users live under government censorship.” Although this is roundly decried by establishment media as evidence of “declining freedom,” this is exactly the path we are heading toward at the behest of that same media within those areas that have managed to thwart such a reality.
The voices of the corporate media are making a show of calling Facebook to task for evidently not having stringent enough algorithms to discern legitimate news from deliberate hoax. We are being told that this very likely led to the election of Trump, and that this has become a major problem in need of a major solution.
The first shots are being fired as we speak. Yesterday we learned that Facebook and Google would take swift action against “fake news” by de-monetizing or banning them outright.
“Moving forward, we will restrict ad serving on pages that misrepresent, misstate, or conceal information about the publisher, the publisher’s content, or the primary purpose of the web property,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement given to Reuters. This policy includes fake news sites, the spokesperson confirmed. Google already prevents its AdSense program from being used by sites that promote violent videos and imagery, pornography, and hate speech. (Source)
This is problematic on a number of levels, not least of which is the vague notion of what constitutes violent imagery and hate speech. War, of course, is what should first come to mind when thinking of violence. Police shootings and other clashes might qualify as well, but routinely populate the most mainstream of sources. And one person’s hate speech is another person’s dissent.
The second component is that of transparency, where we see claims about any effort to “conceal information about the publisher.” Again, very vague, but as any journalist worth their salt knows, it is anonymity which leads to the truth more often than not, especially when threats against journalists and whistleblowers are demonstrably on the rise.
Today, the mainstream media named us as one of the top “fake news” sites to avoid. It’s quite an honor.
US NEWS (linked above) has published a list of websites that it deems unworthy of support, and is essentially urging to be de-monitized or banned based on the previous calls to action.
Here are several fake news sites that have become popular on Facebook, and which should be avoided if you’re looking for the facts:
Publication Name | Approximate Facebook Following | Type of News Outlet |
The Onion | 6,000,000 | Satire |
The Borowitz Report - The New Yorker | 3,000,000 | Satire |
Duffel Blog | 250,000 | Satire |
Newslo | 170,000 | Satire |
Weekly World News | 100,000 | Satire |
Clickhole | 600,000 | Satire |
American News | 5,000,000 | Hoax |
DC Gazette | 420,000 | Hoax |
Activist Post | 540,000 | Propaganda |
Before It's News | 400,000 | Propaganda |
Daily Buzz Live | 160,000 | Propaganda |
Disclose TV | 1,900,000 | Propaganda |
InfoWars | 613,000 | Propaganda |
Natural News | 2,000,000 | Propaganda |
Red Flag News | 270,000 | Propaganda |
World Truth TV | 1,700,000 | Propaganda |
Firstly, the grouping of satire, hoax, and propaganda is troubling, as the definitions of each aren’t even remotely related to one another.
Satire is literature and has a tradition dating back thousands of years; it has been recognized as an essential component of intellectual and political freedom. A deliberate hoax, we can all agree, is lacking integrity, purposely deceptive, and can be legitimately harmful or dangerous. Propaganda, though, is aligned with the State; and most commonly is directed and funded by the State. That is a serious accusation and one that is entirely without merit for this website. It is also an especially ironic and dubious accusation coming from an outlet called US News.
Yet we’re proud to be biased for peace, love, and liberty. Anyone against those principles is serving fake news as far as we’re concerned.
All of this is to say that we are entering dangerous new territory, as the Internet itself is under a new regime with the transfer to ICANN, an international body. If 2/3 of the globe is under digital dictatorship, what else is the likely outcome from such international control over information?
However, it is also an exhilarating time to be a part of such mammoth upheaval, where the entrenched apparatus of the State itself has declared information to be its enemy and to acknowledge that it must do everything in its power to maintain its tenuous monopoly on the truth.
The unfortunate reality for them is that the truth will always be more efficient and, therefore, simpler to disseminate than the complexities of lies and true propaganda.
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